Chips are the collective name of semiconductor components. It is the carrier of integrated circuit, which is made up of wafers. IC chip, referring to all electronic components, is a circuit module which integrates a variety of electronic co...
Thermal-related problems of batteries are the key factors that determine their performance, safety, life and cost of use. Firstly, the temperature level of lithium ion batteries directly affects their energy and power performance in use. Whe...
产品模型 详情图 PRODUCT MODEL DETAIL DIAGRAM 无线路由器结构示意图 无线路由器结构示意图 图示1 图示2 外壳热传导示意图 便携式WLAN设备内部结构图 Modem内部结构图 温升示意图 路由器温升...
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Wang Jing technology is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R D, production and marketing of cooling fan and cooling solution. Professional RD team, innovative technology and concepts, perfect test equipment, complete heat dissipation and mechanism simulation software, and collaborative customer ...